Office equipment will be available at the end of April.
You need to arrange to move it away.
Email to me:
2 Tables (maybe) 5’w x 28″h x 30″d
Vacuum sweeper (cabinet has been taken)
computer stand
2 book cases 7′ tall x 4′ wide x 1′ deep TAKEN: RE
round table 30″h x 3’5″ across + 3 chairs TAKEN: Sasha
shredder – confetti TAKEN: Justin
white board 3’h x 5’w TAKEN: Sasha
small refrigerator TAKEN: Sasha
fold-out sofa 6′ wide TAKEN: RE
2 tables larger one is 26″h x 21″w x 21″d TAKEN: Justin
3 stacking tables. Largest is 2′ x 2′ x 2′ TAKEN: Justin
15″ table lamp (the pic is showing a larger model) TAKEN: Lewis
drawers 26″h x 19″w x 19″d TAKEN: Food Shuttle
Table that expands [see next photo] 4’6″ across TAKEN: Food Shuttle
and 4 really comfortable chairs.
The table, above, with 2 leaves. 30″high x 7’6″long x 4’6″across TAKEN: Food Shuttle
small microwave oven TAKEN: Food Shuttle
table 30″ x 30″ x 12″ TAKEN: Food Shuttle
Lamp TAKEN (Art)
credenza 28″h x 6’w x 18″d TAKEN Food Shuttle
chair TAKEN Food Shuttle
book case 30″h x 36″w x 14″d TAKEN Food SHuttle, Connie
HP color printer / copier / scanner / fax 2-sided TAKEN Food Shuttle, Connie
laser printer b/w 2-sided TAKEN Food Shuttle, Connie
Window air conditioner
File cabinet legal or letter size folders 3’wide x 4’2″high x 1’7″deep TAKEN UUFR
Small Postage Scale TAKEN: Kristen
artificial plant TAKEN: Kristen
2 artificial plants TAKEN: Kristen
blurry artificial plant 6′ tall TAKEN: Kristen
picture 2’6″ wide TAKEN: Kristen
3 – Sasha
1 – Mary
1 – Justin
4 – Food Shuttle + orange chairs