Client Forms

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Divorce and Mediation Forms

First Session

For divorce mediation, we ask that you bring the following for our first session:

  1. New-Client Intake form, providing basic information about you. (One form for each of you.)

  2. Assets and Liabilities form.  The form has four columns: jointly held assets, your assets, your spouse’s assets, and your children’s (major) assets.  (Each of you should fill one out on your own, even if information is repeated.)

  3. Copies of the last 3 years of federal income tax returns, W2’s and 1099’s.

  4. If you are self-employed or have a family business, we would need 3 years of P&L statements.

  5. Credit Reports You have a right to free credit reports once per year from each of the 3 primary reporting agencies.  Download each of them, review them yourself, and then exchange with your spouse and review those also.  You are looking for debts that you didn’t know existed.  (You do not need to bring them to mediation.)

  6. Social Security Statement -and- Social Security Estimator

  7. A photo of your family.

Other Divorce-Related Forms

Commercial and Civil Mediation/Arbitration Forms

  • New-Client Intake Form, providing basic information about you.  Bring this with you to your first appointment.
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